I Pledge Allegiance

I propose a revolutionary concept.  I submit to you that the biggest problem facing this country is not the economy.  The largest obstacle in our future is not the War on Terror.  The biggest threat to our posterity is not a pressing social concern like abortion.

The biggest issue of the day is our view of the Creator of the Universe.  Do we still believe we are one nation under God?  Do we still want His blessing at all?  Are we still careful to consult Him in all decisions of State?  Or has “In God We Trust” become nothing more than an outdated slogan?  I can guarantee that God is well aware of the current situation we find ourselves in this election year.  He knows all about our debt crisis.  He understands perfectly well the dangers of a nuclear Iran.  He is saddened every time a flag-draped coffin comes home from Afghanistan.  He wants America to succeed.  He wants this nation to be a beacon of light to the world.  He has our best interests in mind.  And He has the power to change everything for the better.  He can remove evil leadership.  He can set up righteous executives.  He alone can bring America out of the pit into which we’re rapidly sliding.  We as a people must once again unite under the only entity capable of bringing us together—the God who created us.  Without Him, we have no future.  Without Him, we have no salvation.  Join me in renewing your Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America—and the God acknowledged therein:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

(K)no(w) Respect = (K)no(w) Peace

“U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed” – Wall Street Journal

“Protesters Burn US Flags Outside Tunisian Embassy” – Fox News

“U.S. ambassador killed in city he tried to save” – CNN

“Obama ‘unable to meet’ Israel PM Netanyahu” – BBC

“Egypt protesters pull down U.S. flag at embassy in Cairo” – LA Times

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims” – US Embassy, Cairo, Egypt

Know Resect, Know Peace

Do any of the above statements bother you?  Do feelings of anger rise within you as these headlines fall across your eyes?  Does it hurt to think about all of these things happening on the 11th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers?  Do you think the timing was an accident?  Maybe you can’t hear me; let me say it a little louder:  Does this inflame you?  Do you feel anything at all?  Does America even have feelings left to be hurt?  I hope so, but if you listen to the Obama Administration, you wouldn’t think so.  Every single man, woman, and child in this country should be absolutely outraged at these attacks.  It should infuriate us.  The honor of our country, our flag, and our God is being trampled and assaulted on a grand scale.  Let me ask you this.  If killing the US ambassador and three of his staff members isn’t an act of war, what is?  What is it going to take for the once-again “sleeping giant” to wake up?

I don’t have all the strategic options laid out before my eyes at the moment, so I can’t give specific advice regarding retaliation.  BUT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  RETALIATE!  Let me be very clear:  This can’t be allowed to happen again.  They have quite literally asked for war.  They should quite literally get one.  You can’t tell me our expansive intelligence net doesn’t have some locations of terror cells where these guys are coming from.  Oh, but they’re in Egypt, and that’s an ally of ours.  Guess what?  I don’t care.  What ally of ours would allow the American Flag to be pulled down in front of our Embassy?  Find the terrorist camps; bomb the living daylights out of them.  Yep, I’m talking F/A-18 Hornets; I’m talking the big boys, B-1’s; and how about letting a couple B-2 Stealth Bombers out of their cage in Missouri?  I’m not saying civilian bombings (although with some Muslim countries, the line between civilian and insurgent is very blurry—even non-existent—sometimes).  I’m saying laser-guided annihilation of anyone and everyone connected in even a faint way with any of what happened to our Ambassador to Libya, his staffers, and our Embassy.

A foreign Embassy is set up in a given country for the express purpose of conducting diplomacy with that nation.  When that Embassy is ransacked, and the Ambassador is murdered, diplomacy has officially ended in all forms.  It’s time to drop the hammer.  America has been the laughingstock of the world for three and a half years now; it’s time we call an end to the madness.  If we show the “audacity” of bombing a terror cell in Egypt, where will the terrorist run to hide?  Pakistan?  We know—with 100% surety—of terror cells in Pakistan: why haven’t they been bombed?

Folks, we’re at war with terrorist groups who have committed thousands of acts of open warfare upon American interests, and American citizens.  If any of our “allies” decide to knowingly harbor one of these groups in any way, shape, or form, they have chosen to no longer be our ally.  Can you be allies with a country while harboring the enemies of that same country?  Are you in third grade yet?  Perhaps I’m not being fair to the thousands of preschoolers who understand that concept better than our President.  Oh, but Pakistan has nukes!!!  Yep, and we happen to know exactly where they are.  They couldn’t even get one off the ground before we destroyed the entire operation.  Remember, a nuke can’t launch like a web browser.  There are several stages in deploying a nuclear warhead into the outer atmosphere (where it could actually reach our shores, if they in fact have reliable intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead—doubtful).  In fact, the USS Los Angeles—a ballistic missile submarine equipped with more nuclear warheads than the entire country of Pakistan—or one of its cousins is currently sitting quite tidily near the coast of Pakistan, waiting for the very possibility.

We’ve been “speaking softly” for far too long.  Now it’s time to use the “big stick.”  The world may never love us in its entirety, but they must inevitably respect us.  And only respect can ensure peace.